1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:02,400 A little bit of 2 00:00:02,400 --> 00:00:05,800 a little bit of basic Zoom and some of the basic settings 3 00:00:06,120 --> 00:00:09,480 and a few things I also wanted to show you is how you can 4 00:00:09,480 --> 00:00:12,480 use Canvas to set up Zoom rooms for your class. 5 00:00:13,360 --> 00:00:16,400 I want to show you how to add co-hosts if you need to add them, 6 00:00:16,720 --> 00:00:20,400 and how to turn the live transcripts on. 7 00:00:21,040 --> 00:00:25,040 Okay, so I'm going to move this out of our way. 8 00:00:25,720 --> 00:00:28,480 And you either logged in 9 00:00:28,480 --> 00:00:32,760 to this session by clicking on a link in calendar, 10 00:00:32,760 --> 00:00:37,400 or you received an email with a link to this class, which easily opened us up. 11 00:00:39,320 --> 00:00:42,320 When you're creating courses, 12 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:45,640 there's three different ways I want to show you how to do that. 13 00:00:45,640 --> 00:00:49,720 Now, what we're seeing here, the sbcc.edu 14 00:00:49,920 --> 00:00:53,080 or the sbcc.zoom.us. 15 00:00:53,440 --> 00:00:57,720 This is the website for our Zoom instance. 16 00:00:58,480 --> 00:01:01,440 And of course you would come in here and you would sign in. 17 00:01:01,440 --> 00:01:02,920 So I'm signed in already. 18 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:05,280 But this 19 00:01:05,280 --> 00:01:08,280 will just bring up some settings for me to show you. 20 00:01:08,440 --> 00:01:11,440 And I by habit. 21 00:01:11,480 --> 00:01:17,160 Old habit is I always, would log in to the, 22 00:01:18,360 --> 00:01:22,840 the web app here, but what I want to show you, there's going to be 23 00:01:22,840 --> 00:01:26,200 a couple of the settings in here I want to show to you, 24 00:01:26,200 --> 00:01:31,600 but I also want to mention that from within the sbcc.zoom.us, 25 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:37,680 page down here at the very bottom it has download client. 26 00:01:38,320 --> 00:01:40,680 And so I don't know if you all have done that yet, but 27 00:01:40,680 --> 00:01:43,680 you might want to go ahead and download the client. 28 00:01:44,160 --> 00:01:46,920 This makes it easier 29 00:01:46,920 --> 00:01:49,960 for using, I believe, using your your web, 30 00:01:50,240 --> 00:01:54,000 your Zoom phone and just your different settings. 31 00:01:54,000 --> 00:01:57,000 But after you download the client, 32 00:01:57,120 --> 00:02:01,760 you of course will go down to the lower left and corner 33 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:06,400 and you can type Zoom in here and you can search to upload the client there. 34 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:10,080 Or you can also have it set up. 35 00:02:10,080 --> 00:02:13,320 There's settings we can make that, especially if you're using Zoom Phone 36 00:02:13,560 --> 00:02:16,440 for it to open immediately when you open up 37 00:02:17,640 --> 00:02:19,200 your computer. 38 00:02:19,200 --> 00:02:19,880 Okay. 39 00:02:19,880 --> 00:02:21,960 So I'm going to move this out of our way. 40 00:02:21,960 --> 00:02:24,640 This is the web version 41 00:02:24,640 --> 00:02:27,600 and I am going to come over here. 42 00:02:27,600 --> 00:02:33,320 And what you're seeing here, this is the client that I downloaded okay. 43 00:02:33,320 --> 00:02:37,160 And it usually comes up small like this, 44 00:02:37,160 --> 00:02:40,160 which is nice because a lot of times I have it open and I, 45 00:02:41,200 --> 00:02:44,200 am accessing it a lot for using the phone. 46 00:02:44,760 --> 00:02:47,640 You can make this a little bit bigger, will maximize it 47 00:02:47,640 --> 00:02:50,640 just to make it easier to look at. 48 00:02:51,040 --> 00:02:54,960 And within here the settings we have. 49 00:02:55,000 --> 00:02:56,800 Now you'll notice, let me just show you again 50 00:02:56,800 --> 00:02:58,440 because there's so many different settings. 51 00:02:58,440 --> 00:03:01,040 And to click more and try to sort 52 00:03:01,040 --> 00:03:04,120 through them and find them, sometimes it's easier just to have this, 53 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:07,080 expanded. 54 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:09,720 Okay, so a lot of this should look familiar. 55 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:11,520 Plus, up here in the upper left hand corner, 56 00:03:11,520 --> 00:03:14,520 you're going to see now it says Zoom workplace. 57 00:03:14,520 --> 00:03:16,320 Okay. Before it was just Zoom. 58 00:03:16,320 --> 00:03:19,120 And so we're on the home screen here. 59 00:03:19,120 --> 00:03:22,120 We could schedule meetings. 60 00:03:22,560 --> 00:03:27,360 Since I'm in a meeting, we're seeing a couple of things that are grayed out. 61 00:03:27,960 --> 00:03:30,960 But you also see an upcoming, 62 00:03:31,600 --> 00:03:34,800 your upcoming sessions over here in the right hand side. 63 00:03:34,800 --> 00:03:37,080 And also if you click on, 64 00:03:37,080 --> 00:03:39,760 add a cat calendar, we could click that. 65 00:03:39,760 --> 00:03:43,880 And it opened up my Zoom session. 66 00:03:46,160 --> 00:03:48,960 Using the web page okay. 67 00:03:48,960 --> 00:03:51,960 So it kind of interweaves in and out. 68 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:54,600 So not to be confusing, but just to let you know, 69 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:56,640 there's just a couple different places within here 70 00:03:57,880 --> 00:03:58,200 okay. 71 00:03:58,200 --> 00:04:03,200 So what you're creating a a Zoom meeting. 72 00:04:03,720 --> 00:04:06,720 What you can do is you can click on Zoom here. 73 00:04:06,920 --> 00:04:10,720 And of course the topic is going to be placed in here by default. 74 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:14,040 But maybe art meet Karen. 75 00:04:17,240 --> 00:04:20,960 A. Friday at two. 76 00:04:20,960 --> 00:04:23,960 So I like to give my 77 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:25,920 meetings 78 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:28,240 a title that makes it a little bit easier, 79 00:04:28,240 --> 00:04:31,240 not just for myself, but for whomever I'm meeting. 80 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:34,640 I put that in the topic generally, and so then I would come in here 81 00:04:34,640 --> 00:04:36,680 and I'm going to change the date. 82 00:04:36,680 --> 00:04:38,560 I'm going to change the time. 83 00:04:38,560 --> 00:04:41,040 Which 2:00. 84 00:04:41,040 --> 00:04:44,040 And we say how long we want it to be. 85 00:04:45,120 --> 00:04:47,480 And of course we're in a specific time zone. 86 00:04:47,480 --> 00:04:50,880 If this were a reoccurring meeting and it wasn't a specific date, 87 00:04:51,200 --> 00:04:54,680 let's say that you wanted to create a Zoom meeting 88 00:04:54,680 --> 00:04:58,440 that you used in your course, and you just wanted 89 00:04:59,160 --> 00:05:02,160 a, a meeting that you could open up 90 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:04,720 whatever it was convenient for you. 91 00:05:04,720 --> 00:05:07,800 You could just have Zoom office hours or, you know, 92 00:05:08,240 --> 00:05:12,840 just a meeting place for you to meet with students when they 93 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:17,000 when they, make an appointment with you. 94 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:20,040 And so then what I would do if I wanted to, I could click 95 00:05:20,040 --> 00:05:24,120 on a reoccurring meeting, and this 96 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:27,480 I could click daily, weekly, monthly, 97 00:05:27,680 --> 00:05:30,520 if I did want recurring meetings. 98 00:05:30,520 --> 00:05:33,840 And then I would, of course, come down here, let me scroll down 99 00:05:33,840 --> 00:05:35,560 a little bit more. 100 00:05:35,560 --> 00:05:39,080 And all this is usually set as you would need. 101 00:05:39,080 --> 00:05:42,240 And then you would go ahead and click save okay. 102 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:45,960 And then 103 00:05:45,960 --> 00:05:48,960 over here it's just opening 104 00:05:49,480 --> 00:05:52,160 other things for me here. 105 00:05:52,160 --> 00:05:55,280 So now it is showing within my 106 00:05:56,480 --> 00:05:57,880 Gmail account. 107 00:05:57,880 --> 00:06:03,240 I've created this and I want to tell Art or send him the link to this. 108 00:06:03,240 --> 00:06:07,640 And I'm going to send it to his pipeline address to make sure it goes into his. 109 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:10,880 Email. 110 00:06:10,880 --> 00:06:12,080 And this is optional art. 111 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:13,920 You don't have to show up on Friday. 112 00:06:13,920 --> 00:06:19,440 And then we would then go here to do is is save that I'm going to save this event. 113 00:06:19,440 --> 00:06:22,840 If I had it recurring, I could choose all that I wanted here. 114 00:06:23,040 --> 00:06:24,440 But I'll go ahead and save it. 115 00:06:24,440 --> 00:06:28,000 Would you like to send an invitation email to Google Care Calendar? 116 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:29,000 Guest. Yes. 117 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:34,040 And so I go ahead and do that and we could see it, put this automatically on my 118 00:06:35,160 --> 00:06:37,880 calendar or it's going to receive an email. 119 00:06:37,880 --> 00:06:38,600 He accepts it. 120 00:06:38,600 --> 00:06:41,600 He's going to see it within his calendar also. 121 00:06:41,880 --> 00:06:42,600 Okay. 122 00:06:42,600 --> 00:06:47,160 So that I think is sometimes the easiest way to please 123 00:06:48,240 --> 00:06:51,040 share, a Zoom room. 124 00:06:51,040 --> 00:06:53,760 Let me show you. 125 00:06:53,760 --> 00:06:57,240 And then you're in you're in Google at Santa Barbara City College. 126 00:06:57,240 --> 00:06:59,400 You're on your email or. 127 00:06:59,400 --> 00:07:01,640 Yeah, that's what that's what opened up. 128 00:07:01,640 --> 00:07:02,880 Okay. Right. 129 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:08,760 And so I did that from within the Zoom app, the web app. 130 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:10,000 But I could also 131 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:14,200 and you probably all familiar with this if I knew the date and time, 132 00:07:14,200 --> 00:07:18,120 I could just quickly make, you know, a meeting from within my calendar. 133 00:07:18,120 --> 00:07:23,520 And I would have the same settings and have it go out to whomever a meeting with. 134 00:07:24,040 --> 00:07:25,200 Okay. 135 00:07:25,200 --> 00:07:29,800 And then let me show you something within Zoom that maybe 136 00:07:31,280 --> 00:07:34,280 useful. 137 00:07:36,920 --> 00:07:37,440 Okay. 138 00:07:37,440 --> 00:07:40,400 So within here I have a number of different classes. 139 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:43,480 If I come into this sandbox shell. 140 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:49,760 If you want to have recurring meetings 141 00:07:50,760 --> 00:07:54,120 within your course, what you can do is 142 00:07:54,120 --> 00:07:57,120 you can come in here and if you don't see Zoom 143 00:07:58,440 --> 00:08:00,880 in the menu, look here. 144 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:03,800 Should be one in here that's down there. Yeah. 145 00:08:03,800 --> 00:08:05,080 Yeah, there it is. Okay. 146 00:08:05,080 --> 00:08:07,000 But if you if you're if you're not seeing it, 147 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:10,000 what you would do is you would go to settings 148 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:12,960 and then you would go to navigation. 149 00:08:12,960 --> 00:08:15,240 And remember the items up on top. 150 00:08:15,240 --> 00:08:18,360 Here are the ones that are, you know, 151 00:08:18,480 --> 00:08:22,040 published in use can be seen by students. 152 00:08:22,280 --> 00:08:25,560 If you're not seeing it at all, though, you would come down here 153 00:08:25,560 --> 00:08:31,720 and it would be listed in this bottom area and you would just drag that Zoom. 154 00:08:35,840 --> 00:08:37,880 Link up, up to the top here. 155 00:08:37,880 --> 00:08:38,360 Okay. 156 00:08:38,360 --> 00:08:43,080 If it was down here, then we just move it up here so it's available to you okay. 157 00:08:43,080 --> 00:08:47,760 And then of course you're going to always hit save once it is listed here. 158 00:08:47,760 --> 00:08:49,520 And it's visible for students. 159 00:08:49,520 --> 00:08:52,520 What we would do is click on Zoom. 160 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:54,840 And for this class 161 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:58,320 what I can do is I can set up a new meeting. 162 00:08:58,880 --> 00:09:01,200 So schedule a new meeting. 163 00:09:01,200 --> 00:09:04,720 I would do that here, but I see right now I do have office hours 164 00:09:04,720 --> 00:09:07,720 set up for every Wednesday at 2 p.m.. 165 00:09:08,120 --> 00:09:08,880 Okay. 166 00:09:08,880 --> 00:09:12,240 And you can see it's it's using the same ID number. 167 00:09:13,080 --> 00:09:16,080 But what's nice about this when you use the instructor come in here 168 00:09:16,080 --> 00:09:17,320 and you you can start, 169 00:09:18,680 --> 00:09:21,680 you know the current one that you're you're opening up. 170 00:09:21,840 --> 00:09:25,400 And then students will come in here and they'll enter your Zoom room 171 00:09:25,400 --> 00:09:27,480 over here on the left hand side. But this is nice. 172 00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:30,640 It just places all of your different meetings, 173 00:09:31,440 --> 00:09:34,440 recurring meetings right within the Zoom area. 174 00:09:35,600 --> 00:09:36,760 You also see this. 175 00:09:36,760 --> 00:09:39,200 Remember I said that they're all intertwined. 176 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:41,880 This is being created within Canvas. 177 00:09:41,880 --> 00:09:44,920 But if we open up Zoom, be 178 00:09:44,960 --> 00:09:49,200 it in the web page or in the desktop 179 00:09:49,200 --> 00:09:52,280 client, you're going to see them listed within there also. 180 00:09:53,200 --> 00:09:54,560 Okay. 181 00:09:54,560 --> 00:09:59,000 And this is for, instructors and students to have Zoom meetings. 182 00:10:00,120 --> 00:10:04,440 Can can students use that Zoom button to establish Zoom meetings 183 00:10:05,040 --> 00:10:08,680 with within the students? No, 184 00:10:10,080 --> 00:10:12,240 no, I think that you you being 185 00:10:12,240 --> 00:10:15,360 the host, you have to go in and you have to start it up. 186 00:10:15,880 --> 00:10:20,040 If that would be a whole different process for students 187 00:10:20,200 --> 00:10:23,520 to create Zoom rooms and share it. 188 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:24,600 That's correct. 189 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:28,120 Because this is the the Zoom, sidebar. 190 00:10:28,120 --> 00:10:31,680 And here is connected to, to the instructors, Zoom account. 191 00:10:31,680 --> 00:10:34,440 So that's your account part. So they can't make meetings in here. 192 00:10:36,560 --> 00:10:38,200 Sure would be nice. 193 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:41,720 A nice alternative to what it is that I'm trying to do. 194 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:46,800 With students having their own Zoom group meetings. 195 00:10:47,040 --> 00:10:50,000 But if what about Google Meet? 196 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:53,000 Rob, do you think that might be an easier. 197 00:10:54,200 --> 00:10:57,200 Well, I mean, this is a conversation we can have, 198 00:10:57,640 --> 00:10:58,560 outside of the others. 199 00:10:58,560 --> 00:11:01,760 But the the they can make their own Zoom 200 00:11:01,760 --> 00:11:04,840 meetings, but Art can't see them. 201 00:11:05,280 --> 00:11:07,560 And the same thing would be a Google meets. 202 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:10,560 So yeah, it's, 203 00:11:12,920 --> 00:11:14,880 it's just not the way that the accounts work. 204 00:11:14,880 --> 00:11:15,840 It's not possible. 205 00:11:15,840 --> 00:11:16,480 You can't have 206 00:11:16,480 --> 00:11:20,200 they would have to add you to they could add you to the group meetings. 207 00:11:20,640 --> 00:11:23,640 But there's nothing that like. 208 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:25,600 Does it that way. 209 00:11:25,600 --> 00:11:26,680 Okay. 210 00:11:26,680 --> 00:11:28,440 We don't need to go further. 211 00:11:28,440 --> 00:11:30,960 I just. It just doesn't exist yet. 212 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:32,480 Okay. Yet. 213 00:11:32,480 --> 00:11:33,080 Okay. 214 00:11:33,080 --> 00:11:36,360 So let me see what else I have here to show you. 215 00:11:36,720 --> 00:11:40,080 So with the new updated Zoom, 216 00:11:40,320 --> 00:11:42,200 you're going to see things look a little bit different. 217 00:11:42,200 --> 00:11:45,240 And so you can can you, can you confirm you can see my 218 00:11:46,200 --> 00:11:48,280 different items then we can. Yes. 219 00:11:48,280 --> 00:11:50,800 Thank you icons okay. Thank you. 220 00:11:50,800 --> 00:11:53,520 And so within here this is the Zoom workspace. 221 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:55,240 Of course 222 00:11:55,240 --> 00:11:58,280 I'm up here I can tell we're seeing my screen. 223 00:11:59,400 --> 00:12:02,080 There's going to be a way I'll show you where I could allow 224 00:12:02,080 --> 00:12:05,080 other attendees to share their screen at the same time. 225 00:12:05,400 --> 00:12:08,400 But that's what we're seeing up here is my screen. 226 00:12:08,600 --> 00:12:12,440 Some of you may remember, if you're wanting to share the link 227 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:15,680 to this meeting, if you click on this little shield 228 00:12:15,680 --> 00:12:19,280 with a checkmark, if you click on that and then click Copy link, 229 00:12:19,680 --> 00:12:23,760 this is the link that will bring somebody into this, this meeting. 230 00:12:23,760 --> 00:12:29,240 So if I, somebody walked in or I know somebody needs it, simply emailed somebody 231 00:12:29,240 --> 00:12:32,520 on a staff here, we can just copy this link and send it off to them. 232 00:12:33,120 --> 00:12:33,480 Okay. 233 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:36,760 So that makes it easy to do a couple of the things 234 00:12:36,760 --> 00:12:39,880 we can see up here that, say is recording. 235 00:12:39,880 --> 00:12:43,440 We have different views of our, 236 00:12:45,720 --> 00:12:47,400 of our, 237 00:12:47,400 --> 00:12:48,840 shared screen here. 238 00:12:48,840 --> 00:12:52,880 We're in Gallery view, meaning we can see everybody that's in here. 239 00:12:52,880 --> 00:12:55,000 And if we had a lot of people, we could arrow left 240 00:12:55,000 --> 00:12:58,000 and right to shift the different people through here. 241 00:12:58,440 --> 00:12:59,840 Okay. 242 00:12:59,840 --> 00:13:03,120 And so a couple other things that look a little different. 243 00:13:03,120 --> 00:13:06,200 So down here in the lower left hand corner and, and you 244 00:13:06,720 --> 00:13:09,560 all may have done these all before, 245 00:13:09,560 --> 00:13:12,480 but we have the audio icon. 246 00:13:12,480 --> 00:13:16,040 And this is where I could mute my icon or my audio 247 00:13:17,760 --> 00:13:20,760 clicking on it, I can, mute my audio. 248 00:13:20,880 --> 00:13:23,320 If I click the arrow to the right of it. 249 00:13:23,320 --> 00:13:26,120 You can see I have a couple different there's, couple 250 00:13:26,120 --> 00:13:29,120 different things connected to this computer. 251 00:13:29,200 --> 00:13:31,680 There's actually a couple different cameras. 252 00:13:31,680 --> 00:13:35,960 So I could have my choice of which camera or which microphone I wanted to use. 253 00:13:35,960 --> 00:13:40,680 So some of these are microphone camera combos is what I'm seeing. 254 00:13:41,040 --> 00:13:44,120 And then also select different headphones. 255 00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:49,360 And so of course I have some speakers and I have headphones on here also. 256 00:13:49,560 --> 00:13:52,560 So I would have a choice here. 257 00:13:52,680 --> 00:13:53,640 This comes in handy. 258 00:13:53,640 --> 00:13:56,960 I usually use this each time I log in a test the speakers 259 00:13:56,960 --> 00:14:02,160 to the microphone just to make sure that everything is is, clear for me. 260 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:06,600 I also, sometimes you'll have people come in and they're not 261 00:14:07,360 --> 00:14:11,840 hearing things, and I like to point out to them to run through this also. 262 00:14:12,480 --> 00:14:13,440 Okay. 263 00:14:13,440 --> 00:14:17,400 And so audio settings just to show you at the very bottom here, 264 00:14:17,560 --> 00:14:20,560 if I click on audio settings, you're going to open up, 265 00:14:20,760 --> 00:14:23,280 a lot of the settings 266 00:14:23,280 --> 00:14:26,200 for Zoom there's going to be a couple settings. 267 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:30,040 I show you that we have to go into the web 268 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:33,360 version to change, but for the most part you're good here. 269 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:34,560 Okay. 270 00:14:34,560 --> 00:14:37,920 So I just wanted to point out that at the bottom, selection 271 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:42,720 of these couple options will take you to the overall area. 272 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:44,640 And so down 273 00:14:44,640 --> 00:14:47,800 here in the lower left is also the one for the video. 274 00:14:47,800 --> 00:14:50,800 I can turn that on and off easily. 275 00:14:51,520 --> 00:14:54,800 I can click the little icon to the right. 276 00:14:54,800 --> 00:14:56,760 I can choose which one I want to use. 277 00:14:56,760 --> 00:14:59,040 I can choose to blur my background. 278 00:14:59,040 --> 00:15:02,560 Since my background is a photograph, I don't think it will blur 279 00:15:02,560 --> 00:15:04,400 my photograph though. 280 00:15:04,400 --> 00:15:06,960 But we can also adjust the background and effects. 281 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:08,120 If I click on here. 282 00:15:08,120 --> 00:15:12,000 This gives me the option once again to blur the background. 283 00:15:12,200 --> 00:15:15,760 I can choose a number of different backgrounds. 284 00:15:15,760 --> 00:15:19,200 I can upload a background if I have one to use here. 285 00:15:19,560 --> 00:15:22,560 There's another place within Zoom 286 00:15:22,920 --> 00:15:25,920 that offers a number of different, 287 00:15:27,280 --> 00:15:30,200 backgrounds that you could choose from if that's something you wanted. 288 00:15:30,200 --> 00:15:34,800 A lot of people, like to use one from City College and on there's. 289 00:15:35,080 --> 00:15:37,080 A. Place and I'll share that with you. 290 00:15:37,080 --> 00:15:38,040 I don't have it with me. 291 00:15:38,040 --> 00:15:41,520 I think dad's dead sitcom. It's a take. 292 00:15:41,520 --> 00:15:42,840 They may have changed that, though. 293 00:15:42,840 --> 00:15:46,680 We do have some images from around campus, if that's what you're looking for. 294 00:15:46,680 --> 00:15:50,000 And we'll share that that link that you can get to also. 295 00:15:50,640 --> 00:15:55,560 So a couple other things within these tabs you might want to mirror your video, 296 00:15:57,120 --> 00:15:58,840 just to show you the different here. 297 00:15:58,840 --> 00:16:02,760 So this is kind of confusing to me because it looks like I'm looking 298 00:16:02,760 --> 00:16:03,720 left, I'm looking right. 299 00:16:03,720 --> 00:16:06,720 And so just for my own sanity, I like to flip it here. 300 00:16:07,160 --> 00:16:10,800 You can adjust for low lighting for different things within here. 301 00:16:10,800 --> 00:16:13,920 If you wanted to play with the avatars, I don't. 302 00:16:13,960 --> 00:16:16,960 Oh, here. 303 00:16:18,160 --> 00:16:18,640 I don't know 304 00:16:18,640 --> 00:16:21,920 anybody who's actually using this, but you may come in. 305 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:25,960 I think there was a, a Zoom meeting one time 306 00:16:25,960 --> 00:16:30,120 with a judge in the room, and he came in, and he was like a rabbit or something. 307 00:16:30,360 --> 00:16:33,120 So this is what he did. Okay. 308 00:16:33,120 --> 00:16:36,120 So let me turn my my avatar off. 309 00:16:36,320 --> 00:16:40,560 There's a couple other things you could come in here and play with studio effects. 310 00:16:40,560 --> 00:16:43,800 This is always kind of fun putting makeup on or hats. 311 00:16:43,800 --> 00:16:44,920 Hats are always fun. 312 00:16:46,960 --> 00:16:48,840 But, you know, use of it, I 313 00:16:48,840 --> 00:16:52,400 don't know, but but if you see it, you'll know what people are doing. 314 00:16:52,800 --> 00:16:54,880 Now, how do I turn my hat off? 315 00:16:54,880 --> 00:16:57,440 It's going to be the question. There we go. None. 316 00:16:57,440 --> 00:17:02,200 Okay, so that is within the video options here. 317 00:17:04,040 --> 00:17:05,680 So blur my background. 318 00:17:05,680 --> 00:17:08,760 Just background effects to do. 319 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:11,760 This once again this will take you to the big 320 00:17:11,760 --> 00:17:15,320 choice of all the different settings participants. 321 00:17:15,320 --> 00:17:17,920 What I use this for a lot of times I like coming in here. 322 00:17:17,920 --> 00:17:22,200 I can see who I have, if I need to. 323 00:17:24,400 --> 00:17:27,360 Mute somebody, I could mute them. 324 00:17:27,360 --> 00:17:30,360 Or I could ask Rob to mute himself. 325 00:17:30,560 --> 00:17:33,960 You know, maybe maybe something's running in the background or a child screaming. 326 00:17:34,280 --> 00:17:35,560 We can always, you know, 327 00:17:35,560 --> 00:17:38,400 you could just send them a little note asking them to mute themselves 328 00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:42,480 and then also the street icon, 329 00:17:44,040 --> 00:17:45,960 above, if I wanted to, 330 00:17:45,960 --> 00:17:48,960 I could make somebody a host 331 00:17:49,040 --> 00:17:52,800 within here or give them host permissions or remove their host permissions. 332 00:17:52,800 --> 00:17:55,800 So if I needed to leave and I needed to turn this over to say 333 00:17:55,840 --> 00:17:58,840 I could make sure she has host. Right. 334 00:17:59,080 --> 00:18:00,080 Okay. 335 00:18:00,080 --> 00:18:04,400 So that that's always nice and that's why I open this up sometimes too is 336 00:18:04,520 --> 00:18:06,400 if I have a meeting with somebody and I'm 337 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:09,400 waiting for them to come here and I have to allow them in, 338 00:18:10,280 --> 00:18:12,000 wouldn't. This panel is open. 339 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:15,240 It's easier for me to see when somebody logs in rather than, 340 00:18:17,120 --> 00:18:18,320 just looking around for them. 341 00:18:18,320 --> 00:18:21,320 So that that comes in handy to me. 342 00:18:21,720 --> 00:18:23,120 Okay. I had a question. 343 00:18:23,120 --> 00:18:24,280 Okay. 344 00:18:24,280 --> 00:18:27,480 I seen in Rob's, he's got a picture of himself in his screen. 345 00:18:28,600 --> 00:18:29,760 So I've seen this happen before. 346 00:18:29,760 --> 00:18:32,000 How does that happen. 347 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:33,320 This screen here. 348 00:18:33,320 --> 00:18:34,280 Now you see. Yeah. 349 00:18:34,280 --> 00:18:36,600 Rob he's he's got his image here. 350 00:18:36,600 --> 00:18:39,120 But it's, it's not a black background but it's just him. 351 00:18:39,120 --> 00:18:42,600 How, how do you put your face up there on the screen like that. 352 00:18:42,840 --> 00:18:43,400 Right. 353 00:18:43,400 --> 00:18:46,400 So let me come in here and let me see if I can find out. 354 00:18:46,400 --> 00:18:49,680 So one quick way to get over, like I said to the 355 00:18:51,680 --> 00:18:52,960 to the different settings. 356 00:18:52,960 --> 00:18:56,240 So if I go to video settings that'll take me to video settings in here. 357 00:18:56,240 --> 00:18:59,080 But you should be 358 00:18:59,080 --> 00:19:01,800 and we may have to go to. 359 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:03,720 I'm not sure if it's inside of there. 360 00:19:03,720 --> 00:19:06,200 Yeah. You can do it right there too. Yeah. 361 00:19:06,200 --> 00:19:06,480 Okay. 362 00:19:06,480 --> 00:19:09,240 So you just change your profile picture and then when your video is off, 363 00:19:09,240 --> 00:19:11,280 it'll show whatever your profile picture is. 364 00:19:11,280 --> 00:19:13,520 Okay. Okay. 365 00:19:13,520 --> 00:19:18,400 And something else I want to point out, which I can see here under profile. 366 00:19:19,040 --> 00:19:22,680 And if we're back in here let me close this again. 367 00:19:23,280 --> 00:19:25,560 Dude, look, here's my profile. 368 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:31,560 No. What was that? 369 00:19:32,280 --> 00:19:33,200 I'm not sure. 370 00:19:33,200 --> 00:19:36,200 I know that. 371 00:19:36,680 --> 00:19:37,720 That's the Zoom seeing. 372 00:19:37,720 --> 00:19:39,600 Zoom, Zoom Zoom, Zoom. 373 00:19:39,600 --> 00:19:42,600 Just affects on and on and on. 374 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:47,560 Okay, so what I like to do, let me see which screen I want to show. 375 00:19:47,560 --> 00:19:56,080 Use this on. And. 376 00:20:01,480 --> 00:20:04,480 Of course it's not showing there. 377 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:08,520 It. Look here. 378 00:20:18,760 --> 00:20:19,120 Okay. 379 00:20:19,120 --> 00:20:20,760 So one place I know we can find. 380 00:20:20,760 --> 00:20:23,760 This is. 381 00:20:31,560 --> 00:20:33,360 When some signed in on the web page 382 00:20:33,360 --> 00:20:36,360 over here in the upper right hand corner. 383 00:20:37,240 --> 00:20:39,320 I'm not sure why it's not showing me. No. 384 00:20:39,320 --> 00:20:42,240 It should. There it is. So I clicked on my profile picture. 385 00:20:42,240 --> 00:20:43,120 I thought I could get it 386 00:20:43,120 --> 00:20:47,120 at the profile area at the other place, but I know I can get it here. 387 00:20:47,480 --> 00:20:51,840 It has licensed, so if you're an instructor, you can get, 388 00:20:52,640 --> 00:20:57,160 a licensed account which allows you to hold meetings longer than an hour. 389 00:20:57,920 --> 00:21:00,080 Okay. And Gail, you have a question? 390 00:21:00,080 --> 00:21:02,600 Oh, yes. Hi, everybody. 391 00:21:02,600 --> 00:21:04,920 Okay. Hi. 392 00:21:04,920 --> 00:21:10,680 I have a question about the option that try to mirror your video. 393 00:21:10,920 --> 00:21:13,480 What is the default setting? 394 00:21:13,480 --> 00:21:14,920 In a way that I can understand. 395 00:21:14,920 --> 00:21:17,920 It is, is it always angled left. Right, or. 396 00:21:18,120 --> 00:21:19,920 Is there something to know about the. Default? 397 00:21:22,640 --> 00:21:25,680 It say, do you have a, an idea on how to do that? 398 00:21:25,680 --> 00:21:28,280 I just know it always is going opposite. 399 00:21:28,280 --> 00:21:29,800 I am and that's why I flip it. 400 00:21:29,800 --> 00:21:32,360 So so it makes more sense to me. 401 00:21:32,360 --> 00:21:34,760 But I'm not the reason why I'm not sure. 402 00:21:34,760 --> 00:21:36,160 Well, you know, I was mostly 403 00:21:36,160 --> 00:21:41,520 just curious about a practical reason that we might need to manipulate that. 404 00:21:41,520 --> 00:21:44,520 Or is it very uncommon that anyone needs to adjust it? 405 00:21:44,880 --> 00:21:46,440 It's just personal preference. 406 00:21:46,440 --> 00:21:51,960 You can either see, like right now my hand is opposite of what my my video feed is. 407 00:21:51,960 --> 00:21:54,480 But if I mirrored it, it would be like I was looking in a mirror. 408 00:21:54,480 --> 00:21:56,960 So some people like the mirror look, but you know, 409 00:21:56,960 --> 00:21:59,960 if you have something on your shirt, it'll be read backwards, 410 00:22:00,120 --> 00:22:02,320 it'll be displayed backwards. 411 00:22:02,320 --> 00:22:05,000 And where? Where was that located? 412 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:09,840 That thing called mirror your video because my screen is very, very small. 413 00:22:09,840 --> 00:22:11,960 And sorry, I couldn't see the menu. 414 00:22:13,280 --> 00:22:15,360 That was being used. 415 00:22:15,360 --> 00:22:18,360 Right. Let me let me come over here. 416 00:22:18,520 --> 00:22:20,840 Just go under video. Right. Right. 417 00:22:20,840 --> 00:22:23,840 Let me get back here. 418 00:22:25,760 --> 00:22:27,000 Video settings. 419 00:22:27,000 --> 00:22:28,880 Yeah, yeah. Yep yep. 420 00:22:28,880 --> 00:22:31,880 I got a video showing. 421 00:22:35,440 --> 00:22:36,600 Video settings. 422 00:22:36,600 --> 00:22:38,600 And right here. 423 00:22:38,600 --> 00:22:40,200 So if I take this off. 424 00:22:40,200 --> 00:22:41,400 Oh okay. 425 00:22:41,400 --> 00:22:44,040 So if I look left I'm looking right on here. 426 00:22:44,040 --> 00:22:46,360 So it's this for me, is just for me. 427 00:22:46,360 --> 00:22:49,000 It’s confusing to me when I see it. 428 00:22:49,000 --> 00:22:52,880 I just have to make sure I don't wear anything with printing on it. 429 00:22:53,400 --> 00:22:54,360 Like text. 430 00:22:54,360 --> 00:22:55,080 Oh, see, yeah. 431 00:22:55,080 --> 00:22:57,960 [laughter] Okay, so it's under a thing called camera. 432 00:22:57,960 --> 00:22:59,680 I'm... 433 00:22:59,680 --> 00:23:01,560 Video. It doesn't really matter. 434 00:23:01,560 --> 00:23:03,040 I'm not seeing that. 435 00:23:03,040 --> 00:23:07,080 I am video, the blue, the menu is on my left 436 00:23:07,080 --> 00:23:11,760 and it says general video audio or share screen and video is highlighted. 437 00:23:11,760 --> 00:23:12,200 And then 438 00:23:13,320 --> 00:23:16,680 I see camera, but it's not giving me that little option. 439 00:23:16,680 --> 00:23:19,200 It just says integrated webcam. 440 00:23:19,200 --> 00:23:21,480 Oh now I see it. 441 00:23:21,480 --> 00:23:22,280 Got it. 442 00:23:22,280 --> 00:23:25,280 Something happened. Okay. Flipped. 443 00:23:25,440 --> 00:23:28,440 Did you did you flip the mirror like here? 444 00:23:28,680 --> 00:23:31,200 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, 445 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:33,840 seems almost equivalent for my use. 446 00:23:33,840 --> 00:23:36,840 Okay. Thanks, guys. Okay. 447 00:23:37,320 --> 00:23:38,200 All right. 448 00:23:38,200 --> 00:23:40,800 So let's see what else I have here. 449 00:23:40,800 --> 00:23:44,080 I end up having too many things get myself confused again. 450 00:23:45,480 --> 00:23:45,920 Okay. 451 00:23:45,920 --> 00:23:48,560 So let's go back to here. 452 00:23:48,560 --> 00:23:52,200 Let's see if we can open it without it opening up forever. 453 00:23:54,120 --> 00:23:57,120 A couple other things up here at the top. 454 00:23:57,440 --> 00:24:00,480 Remember, this is the, the desktop 455 00:24:00,480 --> 00:24:03,480 client one, the little one, and then we make it bigger. 456 00:24:06,040 --> 00:24:06,960 Home. 457 00:24:06,960 --> 00:24:10,560 This is what we usually see, the team chat. 458 00:24:10,760 --> 00:24:13,840 I will be honest, I haven't used this a lot. 459 00:24:13,840 --> 00:24:15,200 We've played with a little bit. 460 00:24:17,040 --> 00:24:17,640 I know within 461 00:24:17,640 --> 00:24:20,640 here, Jeff and I were sending messages. 462 00:24:20,920 --> 00:24:25,720 It's just, my thought is we're using the Zoom phone, 463 00:24:25,920 --> 00:24:28,920 and we use the chat in Google, 464 00:24:29,440 --> 00:24:33,280 and so this, this just, through a third place for me to look. 465 00:24:33,280 --> 00:24:38,640 So I've been staying within Google Chat and using Zoom phone, but I don't know, 466 00:24:38,640 --> 00:24:43,640 does, anybody else here from the F or C have any suggestions or thoughts on that? 467 00:24:44,640 --> 00:24:48,280 Yeah, I would, I would recommend using the the team chat 468 00:24:48,840 --> 00:24:52,040 just because it, this is another way of communicating. 469 00:24:52,040 --> 00:24:54,680 We already have Google Chat with all these other things. 470 00:24:54,680 --> 00:24:56,240 There's no other reason not to. 471 00:24:56,240 --> 00:24:59,240 I guess like say said, it's a personal preference, but 472 00:24:59,280 --> 00:25:02,000 it's just another another thing. 473 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:02,480 Okay. 474 00:25:02,480 --> 00:25:05,480 And so the next tab over is phone. 475 00:25:05,520 --> 00:25:09,680 And so you should be familiar with, with a little bit more with phone. 476 00:25:09,680 --> 00:25:12,680 If you have questions about that, you can contact us. 477 00:25:12,680 --> 00:25:17,200 But, but we just recently had a, a video created on using 478 00:25:17,200 --> 00:25:20,640 and setting up your Zoom phone, so I'll share that with you at the end here. 479 00:25:21,520 --> 00:25:24,240 Meetings you could come in here and you can see the different meanings 480 00:25:24,240 --> 00:25:25,920 I have coming up tomorrow. 481 00:25:25,920 --> 00:25:27,960 This is the one. It's live right now. 482 00:25:27,960 --> 00:25:30,800 These are my tomorrow meetings. My future meetings. 483 00:25:30,800 --> 00:25:33,800 This looks very much like the web 484 00:25:33,920 --> 00:25:36,440 app version looked. 485 00:25:36,440 --> 00:25:37,960 Contacts. I can come in here. 486 00:25:37,960 --> 00:25:42,720 Since this is connected with the with phone, I can quickly come through and find 487 00:25:43,680 --> 00:25:46,560 a contact that I need to, 488 00:25:46,560 --> 00:25:48,760 call or 489 00:25:48,760 --> 00:25:51,080 or contact 490 00:25:51,080 --> 00:25:54,080 a couple of the different apps within here. 491 00:25:54,480 --> 00:25:56,960 The timer app is sometimes nice. 492 00:25:56,960 --> 00:26:00,560 If you're in class, you want to take a five minute break. 493 00:26:00,560 --> 00:26:03,040 Your online, you want to take a with your class. 494 00:26:03,040 --> 00:26:04,680 You want to take a five minute break. 495 00:26:04,680 --> 00:26:09,440 You could use this app called timer, and you could open it up. 496 00:26:09,440 --> 00:26:13,040 And you could set a timer, a timer for five minutes 497 00:26:13,960 --> 00:26:16,280 and then, you know, have that showing on the screen. 498 00:26:16,280 --> 00:26:19,280 Then you can all come back when and this is done. 499 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:23,400 Let me hit cancel here. 500 00:26:24,240 --> 00:26:26,720 Another thing you have here is a stopwatch. 501 00:26:26,720 --> 00:26:29,360 You could use a stopwatch. Also. 502 00:26:29,360 --> 00:26:31,200 Let me see this toggle. 503 00:26:31,200 --> 00:26:32,800 If I return to my apps. 504 00:26:32,800 --> 00:26:35,720 There's also a virtual background option. 505 00:26:35,720 --> 00:26:37,480 And so this gives you even more, 506 00:26:39,120 --> 00:26:40,440 background you can use. 507 00:26:40,440 --> 00:26:43,440 But what's nice about here, you find one that you like. 508 00:26:43,800 --> 00:26:44,960 I like these lilacs. 509 00:26:44,960 --> 00:26:47,360 I can just click on set as background. 510 00:26:47,360 --> 00:26:50,600 And my background should be the lilacs okay. 511 00:26:51,040 --> 00:26:56,600 For whatever reason, you could go ahead and use any of these for free. 512 00:26:56,600 --> 00:26:57,960 There's a number of different types. 513 00:26:57,960 --> 00:27:02,680 This comes from Pexels p l s okay. 514 00:27:03,760 --> 00:27:06,760 And let me see what else I have here. 515 00:27:14,560 --> 00:27:17,560 So with your screen sharing. 516 00:27:19,640 --> 00:27:21,480 There's also an option. 517 00:27:21,480 --> 00:27:24,480 Got everything going wonky now. 518 00:27:34,920 --> 00:27:35,680 Okay. 519 00:27:35,680 --> 00:27:38,680 So once I bring it over there okay. 520 00:27:38,760 --> 00:27:40,600 Darren. Yes. Yeah. 521 00:27:40,600 --> 00:27:43,240 How would you put a photograph in there as one of them. 522 00:27:43,240 --> 00:27:45,000 As a background. 523 00:27:45,000 --> 00:27:48,120 So what you would do is you would come in, let's go home. 524 00:27:49,200 --> 00:27:53,680 Let me go to hold on, get myself. 525 00:27:56,400 --> 00:27:59,400 So I would come in here, I would go to. 526 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:04,640 The little arrow next to video. 527 00:28:04,640 --> 00:28:09,320 And, look, here are just background and effects. 528 00:28:09,600 --> 00:28:12,720 If I wanted to add a video, I would click here. 529 00:28:12,720 --> 00:28:15,720 The tab within here is virtual backgrounds, 530 00:28:15,880 --> 00:28:18,880 but you would hit plus and you would add an image. 531 00:28:19,440 --> 00:28:22,440 And then you could choose an image that you've, you've downloaded. 532 00:28:23,480 --> 00:28:26,480 And like I said, we have a number of them for, 533 00:28:27,480 --> 00:28:29,280 Santa Barbara City College that you could use. 534 00:28:29,280 --> 00:28:32,080 And I'll share with you. 535 00:28:32,080 --> 00:28:34,800 Okay. I. 536 00:28:34,800 --> 00:28:37,800 And so videos chat. 537 00:28:39,480 --> 00:28:41,720 So something else that's new. 538 00:28:41,720 --> 00:28:44,720 Let's see here. 539 00:28:45,360 --> 00:28:48,360 Within these options. 540 00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:52,400 So here's the chat we were talking about before. 541 00:28:52,400 --> 00:28:55,400 And this is the link I was going to share with you. 542 00:28:55,920 --> 00:28:59,160 Dad SBC dad smugmug.com. 543 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:03,600 This will have a number of different city college images. 544 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:05,800 You can use a couple other things down here. 545 00:29:05,800 --> 00:29:08,720 The react button. This looks a little bit different. 546 00:29:08,720 --> 00:29:12,760 If you click on it, you'll see there's a number of different reactions 547 00:29:12,760 --> 00:29:16,560 or signals that you can share these top ones with an effect, 548 00:29:17,920 --> 00:29:19,480 to show you what happens. 549 00:29:19,480 --> 00:29:21,520 And so now 550 00:29:21,520 --> 00:29:24,520 sending a bunch of balloons out. 551 00:29:25,920 --> 00:29:28,240 You can make any choice of any of these 552 00:29:28,240 --> 00:29:31,240 if for whatever reason, to put it in here. 553 00:29:33,600 --> 00:29:34,800 Okay. 554 00:29:34,800 --> 00:29:37,960 And then, you know, students maybe if they like things to give, 555 00:29:38,040 --> 00:29:42,000 you know, give the, you know, thumbs up, things like that, but also within here 556 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:42,920 you're going to find 557 00:29:42,920 --> 00:29:47,800 the different reactions like the clapping one, the thumbs up or yes and no. 558 00:29:47,840 --> 00:29:49,080 You know, do you? 559 00:29:49,080 --> 00:29:52,320 If you're asking your students, they can they can do all things like that. 560 00:29:54,240 --> 00:29:57,240 If you need to go somewhere, be right back. 561 00:30:04,480 --> 00:30:06,040 Karen, it mutes you when you do that. 562 00:30:06,040 --> 00:30:09,480 Also o g so it will remove me too. 563 00:30:09,480 --> 00:30:10,320 So remember that. 564 00:30:10,320 --> 00:30:14,200 So if you're going to run it, you turn off the video. 565 00:30:14,200 --> 00:30:15,720 You're still being heard. 566 00:30:15,720 --> 00:30:16,120 Okay. 567 00:30:16,120 --> 00:30:19,040 That's that's good to know okay. 568 00:30:19,040 --> 00:30:22,600 So down here at the bottom would be the there will be a pop up 569 00:30:22,600 --> 00:30:27,120 where you can unmute it or take it, take that selection off. 570 00:30:27,760 --> 00:30:28,680 Okay. 571 00:30:28,680 --> 00:30:30,960 And so a few other things within here. 572 00:30:30,960 --> 00:30:33,480 So that's underneath. 573 00:30:33,480 --> 00:30:36,120 Yet there's a couple fun things in here to play with. 574 00:30:36,120 --> 00:30:40,720 The only one I know that has this working is say with her hand signals. 575 00:30:41,160 --> 00:30:44,280 She can sometimes make big things happen. But, 576 00:30:45,720 --> 00:30:46,800 couple other things. 577 00:30:46,800 --> 00:30:48,520 If I go, yeah, see. 578 00:30:49,960 --> 00:30:52,160 And then we have host tools here. 579 00:30:52,160 --> 00:30:54,600 So this is something good to know you. 580 00:30:54,600 --> 00:30:57,960 You're going to want to allow some participants to share their screen. 581 00:30:57,960 --> 00:31:00,960 So this is where you're going to allow this. 582 00:31:01,160 --> 00:31:02,240 A couple of the things. 583 00:31:02,240 --> 00:31:05,240 Do you want to allow your students to rename themselves 584 00:31:05,400 --> 00:31:08,400 or people in in the. 585 00:31:09,720 --> 00:31:11,880 In the meeting 586 00:31:11,880 --> 00:31:14,760 you're allowing them to unmute themselves also. 587 00:31:14,760 --> 00:31:16,240 So because you could build them, 588 00:31:16,240 --> 00:31:18,640 but then you could allow them to unmute themselves. 589 00:31:18,640 --> 00:31:22,440 If we take this off, that would they would be locked. 590 00:31:22,560 --> 00:31:23,320 Correct. 591 00:31:23,320 --> 00:31:26,160 Is that correct? Is that how you understand it? It. 592 00:31:26,160 --> 00:31:27,720 But you can. Experiment. 593 00:31:27,720 --> 00:31:29,400 But yeah, I think that's what it does. 594 00:31:29,400 --> 00:31:31,640 Okay. Let's just try and mute me. 595 00:31:31,640 --> 00:31:34,840 I try I'm just going to see if you can try me. 596 00:31:35,400 --> 00:31:37,080 Yeah I couldn't do it that way. 597 00:31:37,080 --> 00:31:38,520 Find out now let me try. 598 00:31:39,720 --> 00:31:40,360 I just want to 599 00:31:40,360 --> 00:31:43,360 be obnoxious in the student that just. 600 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:46,320 We gotcha. 601 00:31:46,320 --> 00:31:49,080 So there is a way here by the name. 602 00:31:49,080 --> 00:31:52,080 But I could continue to hear myself talk. 603 00:31:52,720 --> 00:31:54,040 We can't stop that. 604 00:31:54,040 --> 00:31:57,040 What? 605 00:31:59,960 --> 00:32:01,400 That is funny. So. 606 00:32:01,400 --> 00:32:03,520 But underneath the host tools, 607 00:32:03,520 --> 00:32:06,600 there's a couple different things you want to look around in here. 608 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:09,640 Main one is to share screen. Okay. 609 00:32:09,640 --> 00:32:13,560 And then let me see what else I have in here. 610 00:32:13,760 --> 00:32:15,640 But I can remove somebody. 611 00:32:15,640 --> 00:32:18,720 You can remove somebody when you're the host. And, 612 00:32:21,240 --> 00:32:21,600 let me see. 613 00:32:21,600 --> 00:32:23,400 I think there's so many things within here. 614 00:32:23,400 --> 00:32:26,760 The apps we looked at that were simpler for the timer. 615 00:32:27,120 --> 00:32:29,560 Virtual backgrounds, 616 00:32:29,560 --> 00:32:32,160 record button break up rooms. 617 00:32:32,160 --> 00:32:33,640 I don't know if anybody uses those, 618 00:32:33,640 --> 00:32:37,560 but we can create as many breakout rooms as we need. 619 00:32:37,560 --> 00:32:40,080 If you wanted to put your students out into different, 620 00:32:41,400 --> 00:32:42,920 breakout sessions. 621 00:32:42,920 --> 00:32:45,960 So if I make this two and I assign people automatically 622 00:32:47,280 --> 00:32:51,720 and I'm going to send you all into a room and then we'll be able to step out, 623 00:32:51,720 --> 00:32:54,720 step back in just to see how it works. 624 00:33:01,080 --> 00:33:01,560 Okay. 625 00:33:01,560 --> 00:33:04,560 And so, Gail, did you have a question? Yeah. 626 00:33:04,600 --> 00:33:06,920 Thank you. I was just curious. 627 00:33:06,920 --> 00:33:09,200 You had mentioned that there was a location. 628 00:33:09,200 --> 00:33:14,400 Again, I'm not seeing, so clearly when you're targeting a certain menu or icon, 629 00:33:14,920 --> 00:33:20,760 did you say that there is a location or shade that we wanted to give? 630 00:33:21,240 --> 00:33:25,160 Acknowledge to a student and we could release something 631 00:33:25,160 --> 00:33:28,640 like a balloon or something congratulation or something to their screen, 632 00:33:28,640 --> 00:33:31,640 because if so, I might benefit from knowing where that is. 633 00:33:31,680 --> 00:33:32,720 Okay. No. 634 00:33:32,720 --> 00:33:37,640 When you when you give the accolades to the little symbols, it goes to everybody. 635 00:33:37,640 --> 00:33:40,840 So I don't know of a way to send it just to one person. 636 00:33:40,840 --> 00:33:41,440 Well it just 637 00:33:41,440 --> 00:33:45,080 it shows it on your background and doesn't show it on their background. 638 00:33:45,400 --> 00:33:46,840 Okay. No problem. 639 00:33:46,840 --> 00:33:51,480 So done down here at the bottom there's something called react. 640 00:33:51,960 --> 00:33:53,400 Oh yeah okay. 641 00:33:53,400 --> 00:33:56,280 So if you click on that that's when we can give you know 642 00:33:57,560 --> 00:34:00,120 so that's on mine that's showing. 643 00:34:00,120 --> 00:34:03,000 And it's the top row that does the animated ones. 644 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:03,920 Yeah. 645 00:34:03,920 --> 00:34:06,320 So here 646 00:34:06,320 --> 00:34:08,040 you should just the reactions down. 647 00:34:08,040 --> 00:34:09,880 This is the. 648 00:34:09,880 --> 00:34:11,520 Oh okay. 649 00:34:11,520 --> 00:34:14,520 I have an outdated version of Zoom. 650 00:34:15,080 --> 00:34:18,080 Now. So I'm seeing quite a different look. 651 00:34:18,360 --> 00:34:18,800 Yeah. 652 00:34:18,800 --> 00:34:22,160 So what we're showing is obviously the the most up to date ones. 653 00:34:22,160 --> 00:34:23,760 So yeah if you, if you update it 654 00:34:23,760 --> 00:34:27,280 or go to computer that's updated you'll see those different icons. 655 00:34:27,680 --> 00:34:29,560 Okay I got I got one of them. 656 00:34:29,560 --> 00:34:31,560 That's silly okay. 657 00:34:31,560 --> 00:34:34,040 It's silly. Yeah a lot of it's silly stuff. 658 00:34:34,040 --> 00:34:36,960 We don't use it all just so anyway that's there. 659 00:34:36,960 --> 00:34:40,000 Just in case you see it coming up in your, in your way. 660 00:34:40,160 --> 00:34:43,320 So let me show you this. 661 00:34:43,800 --> 00:34:46,120 Gail, this is the, 662 00:34:49,080 --> 00:34:51,800 the desktop version. 663 00:34:51,800 --> 00:34:54,800 And if you come up here to your profile 664 00:34:55,440 --> 00:35:01,080 and if you come down to check for updates, this will update your version. 665 00:35:01,080 --> 00:35:03,320 So you'll have all these things. 666 00:35:03,320 --> 00:35:04,000 Oh, okay. 667 00:35:04,000 --> 00:35:06,680 Just on my profile area. 668 00:35:06,680 --> 00:35:08,000 Okay. Right. 669 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:11,000 So you'll see check for updates. 670 00:35:11,080 --> 00:35:11,760 Can I do that. 671 00:35:11,760 --> 00:35:14,760 Well I'm in a meeting or I have to wait till I'm, 672 00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:18,000 I haven't tried it. 673 00:35:18,000 --> 00:35:20,520 It will knock you off your meeting. 674 00:35:20,520 --> 00:35:21,480 Okay. 675 00:35:21,480 --> 00:35:24,000 So thank you very much. Alrighty. 676 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:25,120 Thank you. 677 00:35:25,120 --> 00:35:27,360 And let me see what else I have here. 678 00:35:27,360 --> 00:35:30,920 So the apps, the record, the breakout rooms, we saw captions. 679 00:35:30,920 --> 00:35:36,000 So if I click here, show captions, view transcript, show captions. 680 00:35:36,200 --> 00:35:39,160 Let me caption legal language of course can be English, 681 00:35:39,160 --> 00:35:41,680 but there's a number of different captions in here. 682 00:35:41,680 --> 00:35:43,720 View full Transcript. 683 00:35:43,720 --> 00:35:44,880 If I click this, 684 00:35:45,840 --> 00:35:47,760 choose the language. 685 00:35:47,760 --> 00:35:52,920 And what we should be seeing now is what we're all talking. 686 00:35:52,920 --> 00:35:53,840 I don't believe it. 687 00:35:53,840 --> 00:35:55,160 Just does. 688 00:35:55,160 --> 00:35:57,960 My voice. 689 00:35:57,960 --> 00:35:59,320 So we will give it a try. 690 00:35:59,320 --> 00:36:00,160 You are correct. 691 00:36:00,160 --> 00:36:02,280 It does other people's voices also. 692 00:36:02,280 --> 00:36:05,280 Okay, so that's always nice to do. 693 00:36:06,120 --> 00:36:08,720 You can save the transcript afterwards if you wanted to, 694 00:36:08,720 --> 00:36:11,720 if you were having a meeting. 695 00:36:12,560 --> 00:36:15,760 For an online class and you recorded everything, 696 00:36:15,760 --> 00:36:19,640 you might also want to save the transcript and make that an option. 697 00:36:20,440 --> 00:36:22,280 Some people may prefer to read. 698 00:36:22,280 --> 00:36:25,560 It might be able to read through things faster than watching. 699 00:36:26,080 --> 00:36:28,120 So just an option. 700 00:36:28,120 --> 00:36:32,240 So if you choose another language it doesn't translate. 701 00:36:32,560 --> 00:36:36,600 It just you would have to speak that language and then it would go, okay, 702 00:36:37,320 --> 00:36:38,400 I have a Chinese. 703 00:36:38,400 --> 00:36:41,040 I have a Chinese student whose English is not so great, but. 704 00:36:42,640 --> 00:36:45,000 There may be an is there? 705 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:47,480 I don't know, there's a I app for that. 706 00:36:47,480 --> 00:36:48,880 Yeah. 707 00:36:48,880 --> 00:36:50,520 I, I don't know. There is. 708 00:36:50,520 --> 00:36:52,320 I don't know which which one it is. 709 00:36:52,320 --> 00:36:53,880 There's a lot. 710 00:36:53,880 --> 00:36:56,280 Where was that script? Under. 711 00:36:56,280 --> 00:36:58,320 Was it under closed captions? 712 00:36:58,320 --> 00:37:00,160 It was under closed captions. 713 00:37:00,160 --> 00:37:02,120 Okay. 714 00:37:02,120 --> 00:37:03,760 View full transcript. 715 00:37:03,760 --> 00:37:04,720 Got it. 716 00:37:04,720 --> 00:37:09,040 Does it does the meeting host have to authorize that, 717 00:37:09,040 --> 00:37:13,240 or is that something that each participant can do on their own? 718 00:37:14,400 --> 00:37:15,400 They can do it on their own. 719 00:37:15,400 --> 00:37:16,200 As long as you don't have 720 00:37:16,200 --> 00:37:19,240 it turned off and it's on by default for all of our accounts. 721 00:37:19,880 --> 00:37:23,080 So you don't need to do anything to to activate it at this point. 722 00:37:23,240 --> 00:37:24,680 I think when they first, 723 00:37:24,680 --> 00:37:28,200 I think if you remember right, the thing when they first added it, 724 00:37:28,200 --> 00:37:31,200 we had to turn it on and they, they finally changed that. 725 00:37:31,760 --> 00:37:32,360 Yeah. 726 00:37:32,360 --> 00:37:34,040 I think I was gonna say about the translation 727 00:37:34,040 --> 00:37:36,280 because I've done this myself, 728 00:37:36,280 --> 00:37:39,560 in scenarios where they're speaking a different language, 729 00:37:40,560 --> 00:37:42,640 I just use my phone. 730 00:37:42,640 --> 00:37:46,520 So if I have my speakers going, I can use my phone to translate it into text. 731 00:37:47,600 --> 00:37:49,800 It'll translate it from Spanish, the English right in front of me 732 00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:52,800 without me having to do anything on the computer. So, 733 00:37:53,560 --> 00:37:54,480 I think our, 734 00:37:54,480 --> 00:37:57,640 especially our international students are pretty savvy with a lot of that stuff. 735 00:37:57,640 --> 00:38:00,640 So let them figure it out. 736 00:38:02,160 --> 00:38:03,080 And just one more thing. 737 00:38:03,080 --> 00:38:06,840 If you end up recording the meeting to the cloud, 738 00:38:08,040 --> 00:38:10,400 the, Zoom cloud, 739 00:38:10,400 --> 00:38:15,080 you will get an SRT file, which is a time captions file that you can download 740 00:38:15,080 --> 00:38:19,320 with a selection of videos that they now allow you 741 00:38:20,600 --> 00:38:23,880 in. If you save your video to the cloud, 742 00:38:24,000 --> 00:38:27,920 remember it's only kept for 14 days, so you'll need to download it 743 00:38:29,160 --> 00:38:32,160 if you need it past 14 days. 744 00:38:32,560 --> 00:38:38,640 So another option here is the polls, but I have no polls created, 745 00:38:38,640 --> 00:38:41,640 so if I wanted to create a poll, this is question one. 746 00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:43,800 Give me a question. 747 00:38:43,800 --> 00:38:47,080 How many islands? 748 00:38:50,720 --> 00:38:52,280 In an orchestra. 749 00:38:52,280 --> 00:38:53,960 I if we could. 750 00:38:53,960 --> 00:38:56,960 I was thinking on Eric's wall. 751 00:38:58,520 --> 00:38:59,160 Okay. 752 00:38:59,160 --> 00:39:02,560 And choice one could be I don't know. Oh. 753 00:39:02,920 --> 00:39:04,880 I didn't even notice that. 754 00:39:04,880 --> 00:39:07,320 Look at Eric's back there. We could add. 755 00:39:07,320 --> 00:39:11,520 We could add more choices, and then we could add another question. 756 00:39:11,520 --> 00:39:14,520 How many in an orchestra? 757 00:39:22,320 --> 00:39:25,320 I think Eric will get both of these. 758 00:39:25,720 --> 00:39:26,080 Okay. 759 00:39:26,080 --> 00:39:28,080 Choice one 760 00:39:28,080 --> 00:39:30,360 can we change the type of choices? 761 00:39:30,360 --> 00:39:33,200 It doesn't appear so. 762 00:39:33,200 --> 00:39:34,880 Has to be a. 763 00:39:34,880 --> 00:39:35,960 Multiple choice. 764 00:39:35,960 --> 00:39:36,920 Right? Right. 765 00:39:36,920 --> 00:39:39,920 So let's. Say. 766 00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:40,920 Oops. 767 00:39:40,920 --> 00:39:43,560 Say turn, say more than turn. 768 00:39:45,440 --> 00:39:48,440 Okay, so if I save this. 769 00:39:49,520 --> 00:39:51,800 I could save it to the library. 770 00:39:51,800 --> 00:39:52,920 I could save it as a meeting. 771 00:39:52,920 --> 00:39:55,920 Pull. 772 00:39:57,040 --> 00:40:00,040 And it should allow me to. 773 00:40:00,920 --> 00:40:03,920 Of course I didn't title it, 774 00:40:03,960 --> 00:40:05,560 but we know what it is. 775 00:40:05,560 --> 00:40:09,400 And so you should see something that pops up on your screen 776 00:40:10,440 --> 00:40:13,160 that's asking you those two questions. 777 00:40:13,160 --> 00:40:15,240 Can you do this ahead of time? 778 00:40:15,240 --> 00:40:16,600 Yes, yes. 779 00:40:16,600 --> 00:40:19,600 You would put them in the library. 780 00:40:20,720 --> 00:40:21,400 Okay. 781 00:40:21,400 --> 00:40:23,880 And I could see how many people have answered. 782 00:40:23,880 --> 00:40:26,880 I'm like, see which answers they did. 783 00:40:31,480 --> 00:40:34,760 And so you can run your questions like this could take a 784 00:40:36,080 --> 00:40:36,960 screenshot. 785 00:40:36,960 --> 00:40:39,960 I'll go ahead and end this. 786 00:40:40,120 --> 00:40:43,120 So meeting Paul two questions 787 00:40:43,160 --> 00:40:43,560 okay. 788 00:40:43,560 --> 00:40:46,560 And then I can share the results with you. 789 00:40:47,760 --> 00:40:50,760 So I believe that should show on your screen the results. 790 00:40:51,240 --> 00:40:53,560 Then you can just dismiss it. 791 00:40:53,560 --> 00:40:55,800 And I can stop sharing here also. 792 00:40:57,160 --> 00:40:59,160 Okay. 793 00:40:59,160 --> 00:41:02,040 And let me see here. 794 00:41:02,040 --> 00:41:05,520 So also under more here's a couple things I'm not that familiar with. 795 00:41:05,520 --> 00:41:08,520 And I might have to call fill in on this bit. 796 00:41:08,520 --> 00:41:10,000 But let me show you the notes. 797 00:41:10,000 --> 00:41:13,120 You could create notes share note options. 798 00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:15,480 Let's go to notes 799 00:41:15,480 --> 00:41:20,080 and I could create a new 800 00:41:21,640 --> 00:41:23,320 set of notes. 801 00:41:23,320 --> 00:41:27,360 And then if I want to share this share to a meeting. 802 00:41:27,760 --> 00:41:30,760 So we're collaborating I'm going to share this note. 803 00:41:31,040 --> 00:41:34,040 And so I'll. 804 00:41:37,280 --> 00:41:38,920 So I just type something 805 00:41:38,920 --> 00:41:42,120 I believe you will or able to type here 806 00:41:42,120 --> 00:41:45,120 also. So. 807 00:41:46,000 --> 00:41:47,440 Some people 808 00:41:47,440 --> 00:41:50,440 oh you have to click the button start collaborating. 809 00:41:50,760 --> 00:41:53,280 Right. Yeah. Right. Right. 810 00:41:53,280 --> 00:41:56,800 So I haven't tried it to in all seriousness, 811 00:41:56,800 --> 00:42:00,280 to see, you know, how usable or how good it would be, but, 812 00:42:01,800 --> 00:42:04,480 maybe good for some people. 813 00:42:04,480 --> 00:42:07,480 Yeah. So, 814 00:42:08,280 --> 00:42:11,400 our students, when they sign up for Zoom, 815 00:42:11,920 --> 00:42:15,440 are they using the same, version number? 816 00:42:15,720 --> 00:42:19,600 And do they have these kinds of features available to them, 817 00:42:19,760 --> 00:42:21,480 for example, for collaboration? 818 00:42:21,480 --> 00:42:25,560 Now, I believe these features are available by way of the host. 819 00:42:26,520 --> 00:42:29,360 You know, I don't I don't think they can start. 820 00:42:29,360 --> 00:42:32,040 If, if they host a meeting, if they host a 40 minute 821 00:42:32,040 --> 00:42:35,040 meeting, yes, they would have access to the exact same tools. 822 00:42:35,280 --> 00:42:39,600 But the host needs to start at whoever's, whoever's starting the, the meeting, so. 823 00:42:39,600 --> 00:42:41,800 Yes and no. 824 00:42:41,800 --> 00:42:45,280 Authorized the collaboration or the other tools. 825 00:42:45,280 --> 00:42:48,280 Yeah. Or the participants. Okay. Yep. 826 00:42:48,480 --> 00:42:49,160 Okay. 827 00:42:49,160 --> 00:42:51,960 And then down here, 828 00:42:51,960 --> 00:42:53,280 let's see what else we have. 829 00:42:53,280 --> 00:42:54,760 We have a whiteboard. 830 00:42:54,760 --> 00:42:56,760 Go ahead and try the whiteboard. 831 00:42:56,760 --> 00:42:59,080 Let me see what I have already in here. Or to tell. 832 00:43:03,320 --> 00:43:04,800 It's a whiteboard. 833 00:43:04,800 --> 00:43:06,480 Existing whiteboards. 834 00:43:06,480 --> 00:43:09,480 Okay. 835 00:43:12,680 --> 00:43:15,680 Then me here's fun fact collaborating. 836 00:43:17,000 --> 00:43:20,280 So, I'm 837 00:43:20,280 --> 00:43:24,360 assuming everybody can see that there's different already created 838 00:43:24,480 --> 00:43:27,640 whiteboards where you could come in here and people can add. 839 00:43:29,880 --> 00:43:32,880 I think we had Rosa Beth in here earlier. 840 00:43:33,480 --> 00:43:36,480 Yeah. 841 00:43:48,480 --> 00:43:49,920 Okay. 842 00:43:49,920 --> 00:43:51,040 So the whiteboard. 843 00:43:51,040 --> 00:43:55,440 I'm not sure how if you try to draw in here. 844 00:43:56,800 --> 00:43:59,800 May not be that. 845 00:43:59,800 --> 00:44:01,800 Yeah. 846 00:44:01,800 --> 00:44:04,480 Maybe if you had, like, a, 847 00:44:04,480 --> 00:44:07,400 an icebreaker and you had a 848 00:44:07,400 --> 00:44:11,920 map, people could put dots on the map where they're from or where they visited. 849 00:44:11,920 --> 00:44:14,920 Things like that could be used. 850 00:44:15,360 --> 00:44:17,640 Are you're asking for students 851 00:44:17,640 --> 00:44:20,640 to understand geography and to. 852 00:44:21,480 --> 00:44:22,800 At least know where they came from. 853 00:44:22,800 --> 00:44:23,680 The Persian Gulf. 854 00:44:23,680 --> 00:44:26,680 Where they are. 855 00:44:26,840 --> 00:44:28,840 But you come up with something. 856 00:44:28,840 --> 00:44:31,320 We're clever. That's what I want to see. 857 00:44:31,320 --> 00:44:32,760 But a couple other things within here. 858 00:44:32,760 --> 00:44:35,440 So we had notes, live stream. 859 00:44:35,440 --> 00:44:38,200 That's if you're going to put this live on YouTube. 860 00:44:38,200 --> 00:44:40,800 I don't know anybody using these, 861 00:44:42,320 --> 00:44:42,880 but it's just a 862 00:44:42,880 --> 00:44:47,000 couple different items and it does look a little bit different. 863 00:44:47,040 --> 00:44:50,040 We had some people looking for, 864 00:44:50,400 --> 00:44:53,040 a couple different things here. 865 00:44:53,040 --> 00:44:56,040 Is there anything 866 00:44:56,080 --> 00:44:59,400 that anybody had questions about in particular? 867 00:45:02,040 --> 00:45:04,080 I think it's just a matter of me 868 00:45:04,080 --> 00:45:06,680 getting back into it and starting to play with it. 869 00:45:06,680 --> 00:45:08,400 Right? Yeah. 870 00:45:08,400 --> 00:45:13,440 And if you're recording your videos, of course you can download 871 00:45:14,080 --> 00:45:18,000 the video as an MP4, which you can upload into YouTube to have it captioned. 872 00:45:18,880 --> 00:45:22,680 And so that that works for three C media, three C media or so. 873 00:45:22,680 --> 00:45:23,640 That's true. 874 00:45:23,640 --> 00:45:26,640 And so if you want any information on that we can get that to you. 875 00:45:29,200 --> 00:45:32,800 And are you referring to the three 876 00:45:32,800 --> 00:45:36,360 C media for captioning in particular. 877 00:45:37,080 --> 00:45:38,440 Captioning and hosting. 878 00:45:40,280 --> 00:45:42,320 Pretty and happy in the past year 879 00:45:42,320 --> 00:45:45,960 about how aggressive YouTube's become with all their ads. 880 00:45:46,600 --> 00:45:50,080 So, even the in the FRC, we're 881 00:45:50,080 --> 00:45:53,560 trying to put all of our videos, the, three C media location. 882 00:45:53,880 --> 00:45:56,880 It's more steps, takes a little bit, takes a little bit longer. But, 883 00:45:58,080 --> 00:46:01,080 they do much better auto captioning there, 884 00:46:01,680 --> 00:46:04,680 for, for faculty, for things in the classroom. 885 00:46:05,160 --> 00:46:07,240 But the there's zero zero 886 00:46:07,240 --> 00:46:10,240 ads there at all. So. 887 00:46:10,360 --> 00:46:12,840 And they can still be embedded and used in play, 888 00:46:12,840 --> 00:46:15,200 pause it or whatever you want to do with it. 889 00:46:15,200 --> 00:46:17,520 Okay. 890 00:46:17,520 --> 00:46:20,520 I was just going through my little list here, 891 00:46:20,600 --> 00:46:23,600 but but. 892 00:46:27,240 --> 00:46:27,760 Okay. 893 00:46:27,760 --> 00:46:30,760 Something I want to mention that also, if you, 894 00:46:35,320 --> 00:46:38,320 Want to mute or unmute yourself, 895 00:46:38,560 --> 00:46:41,560 you could use a shortcut on your keyboards. 896 00:46:41,760 --> 00:46:43,000 Okay. Look here. 897 00:46:44,280 --> 00:46:47,320 Alt e should mute me. 898 00:46:47,600 --> 00:46:48,000 Maybe. 899 00:46:48,000 --> 00:46:51,000 Maybe not. 900 00:46:57,480 --> 00:46:57,960 Can you. 901 00:46:57,960 --> 00:46:59,320 Can you try it? 902 00:46:59,320 --> 00:47:00,480 Say it's working for you. 903 00:47:00,480 --> 00:47:01,920 My spacebar. 904 00:47:01,920 --> 00:47:03,480 If I hold it down, I'm on a mac. 905 00:47:03,480 --> 00:47:07,360 And so if I hold down my spacebar and I'm holding it down while I talk right 906 00:47:07,360 --> 00:47:09,080 now, it will unmute. It takes. 907 00:47:09,080 --> 00:47:12,080 It has a tiny delay to it, but as soon as I let go. 908 00:47:14,320 --> 00:47:17,320 So it has it like a half second delay before it unmute. 909 00:47:17,360 --> 00:47:18,480 So that can be helpful. 910 00:47:18,480 --> 00:47:20,040 If you have a number of students 911 00:47:20,040 --> 00:47:23,160 and you're having a discussion instead of people talking over each other, 912 00:47:23,800 --> 00:47:27,000 you know, just get them used to being able to use the spacebar. 913 00:47:27,360 --> 00:47:30,360 I think out a worked also. Maybe not. 914 00:47:30,360 --> 00:47:33,320 I know there is some other key command, but I couldn't get it to work, 915 00:47:33,320 --> 00:47:34,920 which is optional. 916 00:47:34,920 --> 00:47:36,000 But it's not. 917 00:47:36,000 --> 00:47:38,760 Command isn't on Macintosh. 918 00:47:38,760 --> 00:47:41,760 The command hey, that's alt. 919 00:47:42,480 --> 00:47:46,760 Option and alt or the two that play against each other on a mac keyboard 920 00:47:46,760 --> 00:47:51,720 versus a windows, and command and command and control are opposite each other. 921 00:47:57,280 --> 00:48:00,280 Well, nothing's working for me. 922 00:48:01,440 --> 00:48:05,040 You might if you're trying to unmute yourself, you have to der. 923 00:48:05,120 --> 00:48:05,920 You're muted now. 924 00:48:05,920 --> 00:48:06,680 Now try and unmute. 925 00:48:06,680 --> 00:48:09,680 So it's a combination shift command. 926 00:48:10,360 --> 00:48:11,880 That's it okay. 927 00:48:11,880 --> 00:48:13,920 You're on a you're on a mac. 928 00:48:13,920 --> 00:48:16,920 Yeah okay. 929 00:48:17,680 --> 00:48:18,720 Okay. 930 00:48:18,720 --> 00:48:23,160 And so that is all I have on my list for the basics here. 931 00:48:23,160 --> 00:48:27,200 If is there any questions anybody has or rob 932 00:48:27,240 --> 00:48:30,240 or say do you know anything you'd like to share or. 933 00:48:32,200 --> 00:48:34,200 Did you want to show multiple screens 934 00:48:34,200 --> 00:48:37,200 how people would view multiple screens at one time? 935 00:48:37,440 --> 00:48:39,080 Yeah. Where is that somewhere not going into. 936 00:48:39,080 --> 00:48:39,720 Sorry. 937 00:48:39,720 --> 00:48:41,160 Let me just open this can of worms and. 938 00:48:41,160 --> 00:48:43,800 Yeah, that's the danger. Danger. 939 00:48:43,800 --> 00:48:46,800 So let me see if I go to. 940 00:48:48,120 --> 00:48:49,080 Where is it at? 941 00:48:50,680 --> 00:48:51,480 Share your screen. 942 00:48:51,480 --> 00:48:52,560 I'll share mine. 943 00:48:52,560 --> 00:48:55,560 Okay. 944 00:48:57,680 --> 00:49:00,600 So the option to share multiple screens is under that 945 00:49:00,600 --> 00:49:03,600 teeny tiny arrow that's next to the share button. 946 00:49:03,720 --> 00:49:06,720 So you click on that tiny arrow, and then you can change it to multiple 947 00:49:06,920 --> 00:49:09,120 participants can share. 948 00:49:09,120 --> 00:49:11,600 And what's interesting and weird about this, 949 00:49:11,600 --> 00:49:15,840 you do have to share your entire monitor. 950 00:49:16,440 --> 00:49:19,640 But if you have your Zoom window open, you'll see at the top 951 00:49:20,160 --> 00:49:22,920 that there's now tab. So say Zoom Workplace. 952 00:49:22,920 --> 00:49:27,920 It'll say meeting and it'll say say says say Dempsey's screen. 953 00:49:28,560 --> 00:49:31,680 And then if I share my screen as well, 954 00:49:33,320 --> 00:49:36,440 you should see three tabs at the top 955 00:49:36,440 --> 00:49:39,920 now meeting say screen and then RGB screen. 956 00:49:40,320 --> 00:49:43,800 And so like if in a class if you wanted to line up presenter 957 00:49:43,800 --> 00:49:46,080 or something like that, or if students are collaborating, 958 00:49:47,280 --> 00:49:49,200 they could actually share multiple screens 959 00:49:49,200 --> 00:49:52,440 and just without sharing and resharing and like oh, shares 960 00:49:52,680 --> 00:49:54,360 share your screen, say, oh no, I'm gonna share my screen. 961 00:49:54,360 --> 00:49:56,040 Now go back and forth. 962 00:49:56,040 --> 00:49:59,560 Everyone has to kind of be savvy with Zoom for this to work, 963 00:49:59,880 --> 00:50:02,840 but then we could just switch without, you know, saying anything. 964 00:50:02,840 --> 00:50:06,040 I get a switch to say, screen and back to my screen without her 965 00:50:06,040 --> 00:50:09,040 having to unshare or stop sharing or anything like that. 966 00:50:09,480 --> 00:50:11,960 So better for small groups. 967 00:50:11,960 --> 00:50:12,840 Or like I said, if you're doing 968 00:50:12,840 --> 00:50:16,320 like student presentations for like that, if you want to line people up, but 969 00:50:17,280 --> 00:50:21,240 just a feature, we've, we've, heard some confusion around it before. 970 00:50:21,280 --> 00:50:24,280 So it can also be helpful if you're, 971 00:50:25,640 --> 00:50:27,400 I've heard of people in meetings 972 00:50:27,400 --> 00:50:31,160 that someone was sharing on the screen and they couldn't find the shared screen. 973 00:50:31,440 --> 00:50:35,480 Look for that tab across the top, because even if only one person is sharing, 974 00:50:35,880 --> 00:50:41,000 you should be able to see the meeting tab versus the the person's tab at the top. 975 00:50:42,440 --> 00:50:46,440 I don't see a small arrow or screen. 976 00:50:47,160 --> 00:50:48,240 At the bottom. 977 00:50:48,240 --> 00:50:51,880 You won't have it because you're not a host of this meeting. 978 00:50:52,200 --> 00:50:55,680 So if you start your own meeting, you'll see a little teeny tiny, 979 00:50:56,760 --> 00:50:59,520 arrow chevron right next to the green arrow. 980 00:50:59,520 --> 00:51:02,240 It's really stay right there, Karen. 981 00:51:02,240 --> 00:51:03,720 It's right. Here. 982 00:51:03,720 --> 00:51:06,400 This little. Tiny, tiny, tiny arrow there. 983 00:51:06,400 --> 00:51:09,400 Got it. 984 00:51:09,760 --> 00:51:10,920 And you can do it on your own. 985 00:51:10,920 --> 00:51:14,160 So if you just start a Zoom meeting, you can you can see the option there. 986 00:51:15,840 --> 00:51:17,640 There's one other setting 987 00:51:17,640 --> 00:51:20,640 that could be interesting. 988 00:51:21,760 --> 00:51:24,760 Let me see here. 989 00:51:27,840 --> 00:51:29,800 I can change this option. 990 00:51:29,800 --> 00:51:32,800 Let me see if it shares correctly. 991 00:51:38,280 --> 00:51:38,600 Okay. 992 00:51:38,600 --> 00:51:41,440 You can see my screen. 993 00:51:41,440 --> 00:51:44,760 Rob, what I'm trying to show is how you can have a picture of yourself, 994 00:51:46,360 --> 00:51:47,520 in front. 995 00:51:47,520 --> 00:51:48,760 Yeah, you have it. 996 00:51:48,760 --> 00:51:50,560 Okay. I was sure if you were. Able to see it. 997 00:51:50,560 --> 00:51:51,480 Yeah. So, like. 998 00:51:51,480 --> 00:51:54,480 Yeah, when you share your screen here where that option is now 999 00:51:56,120 --> 00:51:57,000 the just one of these. 1000 00:51:57,000 --> 00:52:00,000 Is under under share. 1001 00:52:01,600 --> 00:52:04,120 Is it under advanced. 1002 00:52:04,120 --> 00:52:07,120 She ordered girl group. 1003 00:52:08,440 --> 00:52:08,800 Oh yeah. 1004 00:52:08,800 --> 00:52:11,800 It's in the upper right hand corner. 1005 00:52:11,800 --> 00:52:14,800 It's you. 1006 00:52:17,040 --> 00:52:17,920 We can't really share it. 1007 00:52:17,920 --> 00:52:20,800 Show that, can you? 1008 00:52:20,800 --> 00:52:23,800 At screen. 1009 00:52:25,080 --> 00:52:27,240 Let me. 1010 00:52:27,240 --> 00:52:28,720 I just created a snapshot of it. 1011 00:52:28,720 --> 00:52:30,160 I just got to pull it back up. 1012 00:52:30,160 --> 00:52:31,080 Go for it to it. 1013 00:52:31,080 --> 00:52:33,880 That's exactly what I was going to do. 1014 00:52:33,880 --> 00:52:38,760 So in, when you hit share, say is going to share screen in a second. 1015 00:52:38,760 --> 00:52:45,000 But when you hit share over in the right hand corner of the shared space area, 1016 00:52:46,920 --> 00:52:50,960 you can choose a picture in picture style 1017 00:52:51,240 --> 00:52:54,080 so you can have yourself over 1018 00:52:54,080 --> 00:52:57,080 whatever it is you're presenting. 1019 00:52:57,160 --> 00:52:58,800 And beyond 1020 00:52:58,800 --> 00:53:02,320 that, you can you can change the layout so you can move your person around. 1021 00:53:02,560 --> 00:53:05,440 So you could do this actually, without even, 1022 00:53:05,440 --> 00:53:07,720 anyone else in the Zoom session with you. 1023 00:53:07,720 --> 00:53:11,160 So you could use this or record or presentation if you wanted to do that. 1024 00:53:11,160 --> 00:53:12,800 And, like Karen was doing earlier, 1025 00:53:12,800 --> 00:53:15,760 you saw her outline over the shared screen. 1026 00:53:15,760 --> 00:53:19,720 I also wanted to this is something else that I like to do that a lot of people 1027 00:53:19,720 --> 00:53:26,000 don't do is under the advanced tab up here, you have the ability. 1028 00:53:26,000 --> 00:53:29,800 One of the options underneath there is the ability to, 1029 00:53:31,000 --> 00:53:33,480 share a portion of your screen. 1030 00:53:33,480 --> 00:53:37,520 So, I know Art knows exactly what I'm talking about, but some people will. 1031 00:53:37,560 --> 00:53:40,680 They share their screen, they're sharing everything 1032 00:53:40,680 --> 00:53:43,280 on their screen, their whole giant monitor. 1033 00:53:43,280 --> 00:53:45,840 And the document they're sharing is like a portion, 1034 00:53:45,840 --> 00:53:47,920 I guess, barely a third of the monitor. 1035 00:53:47,920 --> 00:53:51,280 And then people have to Zoom in and Zoom out, all over the place. 1036 00:53:51,280 --> 00:53:51,840 Right. 1037 00:53:51,840 --> 00:53:56,280 So instead of instead of sharing the entire screen or the entire application, 1038 00:53:56,760 --> 00:53:59,760 if you go under advance and say, share a portion of my screen, 1039 00:54:00,000 --> 00:54:03,720 you can draw a selection just around what you want to share, 1040 00:54:03,880 --> 00:54:05,400 which is is quite nice. 1041 00:54:07,080 --> 00:54:08,120 To give you an 1042 00:54:08,120 --> 00:54:11,520 example of what that might look like 1043 00:54:12,040 --> 00:54:15,040 if you want to stop sharing. So, 1044 00:54:15,600 --> 00:54:19,240 if I shared this screen, you're going to see everything. 1045 00:54:19,240 --> 00:54:23,240 But if I wanted you to read this text, it's it's a lot smaller. 1046 00:54:23,640 --> 00:54:27,800 So instead, if I do the share and I choose advance 1047 00:54:27,800 --> 00:54:31,440 and I choose a portion of the screen, I get the ability. 1048 00:54:31,440 --> 00:54:32,640 Then you hit share at the bottom, 1049 00:54:32,640 --> 00:54:36,560 I get the ability to move a window around and resize it. 1050 00:54:36,560 --> 00:54:40,040 So forgive me while I resize this, window a little bit, 1051 00:54:40,720 --> 00:54:43,720 but then what I see on my screen 1052 00:54:44,720 --> 00:54:47,600 is my whole monitor I originally shared. 1053 00:54:47,600 --> 00:54:48,240 But now you're 1054 00:54:48,240 --> 00:54:52,200 only seeing part of the text, and then I can scroll inside that text. 1055 00:54:52,200 --> 00:54:55,440 And so you're seeing it large, but it's just a 1056 00:54:55,440 --> 00:54:58,720 very, very small portion of, of the screen that I'm looking at. 1057 00:54:59,800 --> 00:55:00,280 So that 1058 00:55:00,280 --> 00:55:03,280 that's a little advanced tip for you there. 1059 00:55:04,080 --> 00:55:07,520 Well, that's an advanced tip that, a lot of people between 1060 00:55:07,520 --> 00:55:10,400 presentations would be, 1061 00:55:10,400 --> 00:55:14,320 would would do well in knowing how to work that because we're 1062 00:55:14,320 --> 00:55:19,040 all sitting here in these meetings, you know, trying to see these tiny little. 1063 00:55:19,200 --> 00:55:24,240 Yeah, I'll, I'll often in like in large meetings, I'll, I'll ask for the, 1064 00:55:24,240 --> 00:55:27,240 the rights to do the sharing myself like, let me, let me do it. 1065 00:55:29,320 --> 00:55:32,320 I'll share. So. 1066 00:55:33,560 --> 00:55:33,960 Okay. 1067 00:55:33,960 --> 00:55:36,440 And so that's all I have. 1068 00:55:36,440 --> 00:55:39,440 If anybody has any questions. 1069 00:55:40,880 --> 00:55:41,800 Thank you very much. 1070 00:55:41,800 --> 00:55:44,440 This was great. You are welcome. 1071 00:55:44,440 --> 00:55:45,200 Thanks, Karen. 1072 00:55:45,200 --> 00:55:47,840 Great job. 1073 00:55:47,840 --> 00:55:49,840 Thank you so 1074 00:55:49,840 --> 00:55:51,480 already. 1075 00:55:51,480 --> 00:55:52,680 Bye. Bye bye.